
Monday, November 30, 2020

Episode 113 - Everybody to the Limit!

1 comment:

  1. 1st Place goes to the Vaudeville Vikings. Hands down. 2nd Place goes to the Space Monkeys. Nice work, gentlemen!
    I thought of one potential disadvantage to having no limits to what you can show on a screen: consumer boredom. For the average consumer, if everything has been done, what's there that's left to surprise us? Or what could we watch that's going to blow our minds with how cool and impossible it is? I think that's a problem across the board with the art worlds nowadays - we feel like we have to be as crazy as we can be to make up for the fact that we can't make anything new or innovative; all the innovating has been done. Also, there's the drawback of the abundance mentality: you don't prize a thing as much if there's plenty of it. We don't prize a CGI dragon when we have five available to compare. We don't tend to think of that consequence when it comes to artistic innovations. Once the first CGI dragon is created, we think it's so cool and the first impulse is to make MORE of them! As with other appetites, we think indulgence will heighten pleasure. It turns out that moderation heightens pleasure more effectively and sustainably.

    One more thing: I think MazeDude has probably mentioned that limiting rules apply to music, too? His track here certainly demonstrates that. My composition teacher gave us assignments with limiting rules to get us to improve on aspects of composition we were weak in, especially texture.
