
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Episode 35 - Now The Page Was Formless and Void

A new year brings new a new podcast about beginnings!

That's right, after starting with endings way back in Episode 1, Nick and Tim come full circle to the beginning of things.

Whether it's how best to start a story or why audiences like origins so much, your premiere storytelling podcast has you covered. And don't miss as Tim and Nick give their obligatory two cents about who should direct Star Wars in What IF? and share a very important Project Update.

So, hang up your new cat calendar, sign up for that gym membership, and listen in to the latest episode of Derailed Trains of Thought. After two years, we're just getting started.


Show Notes

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1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year you guys! I hope it's another great year of podcasting and writing greatness. And now onto the episode.

    First off, congrats Nick on getting The Unremarkable Squire published! That's pretty fantastic.

    I wonder how Joel Schumacher would do for the next Star Wars trilogy? You can bet that there would be a Jedi credit card somewhere in there.

    I've found beginnings in any sort of writing to be challenging to start. I learned with my papers just to go straight into the paper and going back to write the introduction. With stories, or one particular story I'm working on, I can't seem to get past the first act. I'll get to the end, then crumble it up out of frustration.

    I worry at times about taking forever to start in my stories. I have to remind myself that I prefer stories that get straight on into the adventure or action when I read them, yet as a writer I worry about not introducing a character correctly.

    The use of flashback is really popular in the LOST age. Shows like Once Upon A Time and Revenge make effective use of the flashback. Even Psych uses flashback in a quirky way to tell their stories. I worry that shows in the future might overuse this technique, but when woven together it's wonderful. Case in point, the revelation that Locke was in a wheelchair in season 1 of LOST.

    My wife and I are huge fans of Arrow, so I'm glad that it got a name drop in the episode. While my wife hates comic books themselves, she loves stories about them. She's currently hooked to Young Justice, which I hope comes back soon.

    I'll try to add some suggestions for the new direction of the show for season three. I'm sure whatever you both decide to do it will be great. Likewise, I'm excited about the Children of the Wells project and what will come out of that.
