
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Episode 82 - The Clothes Make the Character

1 comment:

  1. Great episode guys! I never would've thought to do an episode on a character's apparel, but it proved to be a fun discussion.

    Two items to discuss. On Luke's black appearance in RotJ, not only does it help show how Luke has grown up since his first appearance, but also provides a bit of ambiguity for when he's tested by his father to join the dark side. Both are dressed in black for their final showdown, and it leaves the viewer unsure where Luke will go.

    With clothing giving a hint as to a person's personality, it reminds me of the term Black Hats and White Hats. I'm not a western fan, but the term suits many genres of fiction.

    Loved the abstract noun generator exercise. That's a good way to build characters for short stories, and I enjoyed hearing what you came up with. For the slave/deceitful discussion, there's a character in the Redwall book Martin the Warrior that's a slave with the fellow good characters, but acts as an informant for one of the guards for preferential treatment. The slave was a vole, which in the Redwall universe usually means they're on the side of good, so it was a nice twist.

    I took the noun generator for a spin, and ended up with “Sensitivity” and “Dictatorship”, which made me laugh. My idea for a character is this:

    I envision a twilight zone type world where there’s a regime led by a social justice warrior type, who rules with an iron fist. His kingdom on the outside seems perfect, where the poor, needy, and downtrodden are cared for by the populace, but not out of the goodness of their heart. Robot sentries are everywhere, and if they see an able bodied person walk by someone in need and not help, they spring into action. The person loses their status, home, and savings, and is left in the same condition as the beggar they walked by. Everywhere, there are video screens of the dictator spouting compassionate ideals and virtues, but the tone comes off as threatening than it does out of love.
